[Updated August 15, 2024 with additional event speaker]

Want to take your Customer Advisory Board (CAB) or Partner Advisory Board (PAB) program to the next level? Join us and your peers at the must-attend 2024 CAB Conference on Monday, October 21st at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, MA.

This premier event, organized by CustomerAdvisoryBoard.org, is the largest gathering of customer and partner advisory board managers worldwide. The CAB Conference offers a unique opportunity to learn, interact, and network.

Why Attend?

Learn from Industry Leaders: Gain insights on how top experts in the field are engaging their top customers using CABs. The incredible speaker lineup includes Stratasys, UPS, PayPal, Atlassian, and Ignite Advisory Group.

  • Jeff Hemenway of Stratasys will share tips and best practices for launching a CAB.
  • Hannah Lagod and Lila Best of UPS will discuss their experience and learnings from evolving their CAB and PAB programs.
  • PayPal’s Dr. Tiffany Raymond will delve into CAB membership. Learn how to identify and recruit CAB members who provide meaningful insights that drive your CAB program’s success.
  • Atlassian’s Amy Berusch will present on customer experience and how to foster deeper connections and delivering exceptional value through your CAB.
  • Ignite Advisory Group’s Eyal Danon will talk about the top agenda sessions for CAB meetings to drive greater engagement, collaboration, and customer insights.

Interactive Session: Participate in a live simulated CAB session, “Ask The Expert,” where you’ll share your top CAB challenges, and discuss potential solutions and ideas with fellow attendees. You’ll get practical takeaways to implement immediately.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with your CAB peers throughout the CAB Conference. Share experiences, exchange ideas, and build lasting relationships to help you enhance your CAB or PAB program.

This year, the CAB Conference is co-located with CustomerXCon. Extend your stay in Boston and attend the customer marketing and advocacy sessions at CustomerXCon on Tuesday and Wednesday. You’ll have more opportunities to engage with CAB Conference and CustomerXCon attendees at the CustomerXCon 2024 Welcome Party on Monday, October 21st after the CAB Conference.

CAB Conference Details

  • Date: Monday, October 21, 2024
  • Location: Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA
  • Time: 11:00 AM – 4:30 PM ET, followed by the CustomerXCon 2024 Welcome Party
  • Agenda and register: customeradvisoryboard.org/conference/

Agenda Sessions

  • Key Success Factors in Launching a CAB – Jeff Hemenway, SVP Global Industrial Sales, Stratasys 3D Printing
  • Lessons Learned in Evolving the UPS CAB Program – Hannah Lagod, Strategy Supervisor & Lila Best, New Product Innovation – Strategy Manager, UPS
  • Strategic Member Selection: Building an Impactful Customer Advisory Board – Dr. Tiffany Raymond, Head of Global Customer Advocacy, PayPal
  • Creating Meaningful, Customer-Centric Experiences the Atlassian Way – Amy Berusch, Customer Engagement Program Manager, Atlassian
  • LIVE SIMULATED CAB SESSION – All attendees will participate in a CAB session called “Ask The Expert” during which other attendees will brainstorm ways to solve your top CAB challenges.
  • Top 10 CAB Agenda Sessions – Eyal Danon, Ignite Advisory Group

Register Now to Secure your Spot

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your CAB program and meet other customer and partner advisory board pros in person. Register at CustomerAdvisoryBoard.org/conference and secure your seat for the CAB Conference.

We look forward to seeing you in Boston!

Ignite Advisory Group is the leading global authority on Customer Advisory Boards and Customer-Led Boards. Ignite’s proven methodology for managing and evolving Customer Advisory Boards includes a 4-stage process, encompassing 48 deliverables and measured by 20 metrics to deliver a clear ROI. To learn more about Ignite, visit our website, read our blogs, and follow us on LinkedIn. To find out how your company can benefit from Ignite’s CAB methodology and process, contact us today.

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