During our webinars for customer advisory board (CAB) managers, we love learning about the issues they may be challenged with in running their own CAB programs. Through submitted questions, we gather insights into their struggles, where they are facing roadblocks or need some experienced guidance.

As such, here are some questions we received in a recent webinar about interviewing CAB members and creating meeting agendas, and our answers.

Q: How far in advance of a meeting do you create the agenda?

A: CAB meeting agenda creation should follow engagement with customers (via interviews or surveys) to review top-of-mind topics and capture additional ones – to create and prioritize your agenda. With these results, draft the agenda at least a couple months before the meeting. You’ll need the time to socialize the topics with executive stakeholders and suggest company session owners to lead the discussions. While topics can include your company’s perspectives, like gathering insights into your product roadmap, we don’t recommend these to be the initial topics or focus of the meeting. Instead, focus on what your CAB members want to discuss!

Q: How do we limit our executive management from being overly involved in the logistical aspects of meeting planning (hotels, meals, social activities, giveaways, etc.)?

A: Alas, this dynamic is common with executives, who always seem to have a lot of ideas, input and desires. Convey to your leaders that their input is needed on strategic aspects of your CAB meeting (session topics, what’s coming from your company, needed member guidance, etc.) and not on logistical elements. They hopefully will recognize your events team’s skills in organizing such meetings. So stay proactive on communicating planned logistics perhaps at the end of your planning meeting. And don’t waste face time asking for their opinions on meals, wine or giveaways – which they will gladly provide!

 Q: Do you have suggestions to keep member interviews on topic? Ours tend to get away from us.

A: Create an interview discussion guide proposing several meeting topics and common challenges you believe your customers experience. Ask them to verify, add to and prioritize these topics so that your meeting will focus on the most desired ones. But also ask for additional topics they would like to address, which should lead to some interesting insights that can also be considered as part of the meeting.

Q: What are the benefits of having a 3rd party interview board members?

A: It’s not necessary or beneficial to have host company personnel attend customer interviews, as customers may hold back on being honest if a company representative is present. Third parties convey a perceived neutrality which encourages customers to provide their honest feedback, and better interview results.

Q: When you don’t include the topics one or some members prioritized, how do you communicate that to them?

A: You can (and perhaps should) communicate the top, most desired topics as expressed by customers during your meeting. And mention that other topics not being discussed at the current meeting may be addressed at future meetings.

Q: How often do you recommend holding meetings with your CAB?

A: We recommend in-person meetings at least once a year, although two meetings can work. A year is a long time to go in-between face-to-face meetings. In between in-person meetings, plan interim conference calls to engage members, address ongoing issues, follow up with desired information and maintain program momentum. Have a real reason to meet, with clear objectives and outcomes – don’t meet just for bland company or product “updates.

Got a question about your upcoming CAB meeting agenda? Let us know, contact us here!

Ignite Advisory Group is the leading global authority on Customer Advisory Boards and Customer-Led Boards. Ignite’s proven methodology for managing and evolving Customer Advisory Boards includes a 4-stage process, encompassing 48 deliverables and measured by 20 metrics to deliver a clear ROI. To learn more about Ignite, visit our website, read our blogs, and follow us on LinkedIn. To find out how your company can benefit from Ignite’s CAB methodology and process, contact us today.

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