by Rob Jensen | Jul 29, 2020 | Agenda, Blog, Facilitation, Virtual Meeting
Customer Advisory Board (CAB) managers who oversee successful board programs know the value of stimulating customer advisory board breakout sessions. After all, these are often the most engaging, insightful, fun and well-reviewed aspects of any CAB meeting. And even...
by Rob Jensen | May 20, 2020 | Blog, Customer Advisory Board Best Practices
As a customer advisory board (CAB) consultant, it’s always interesting to hear about how other CAB practitioners (who are not our clients) manage their programs. When doing so, it’s a reminder that there are indeed many ways to run a CAB, and every company needs to...
by Rob Jensen | Apr 22, 2020 | Blog, Create a CAB, Virtual Meeting
With the Coronavirus pandemic burdening world economies, companies that have wanted to initiate a customer advisory board (CAB) program may be having second thoughts or even putting such plans on hold. While this seems a logical reaction to these turbulent times, we...
by Rob Jensen | Mar 25, 2020 | Blog, Virtual Meeting
With the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world, the business of business is grinding to a halt. With restrictions on travel, gatherings, and even leaving your home, your upcoming in-person customer advisory board (CAB) meeting is likely to be cancelled or postponed,...
by Rob Jensen | Feb 26, 2020 | Blog, Meeting Preparation
We are often asked by customer advisory board (CAB) practitioners who from their companies should be invited to attend their initial or next CAB meeting. The question is often a tricky one for CAB managers, who may be getting internal interest in their meetings, and...
by Rob Jensen | Jan 29, 2020 | Blog, Customer Advisory Board Best Practices, Post-Meeting Follow Up
Of all the recommended post-customer advisory board (CAB) meeting deliverables (meeting report, ongoing engagement plan and action tracker), we not only get a lot of questions about how to prioritize, manage and track resulting meeting action items, we see companies...