by Rob Jensen | Jan 27, 2021 | Blog, Customer Advisory Board Best Practices, Post-Meeting Follow Up
We are sometimes asked by our clients whether they should (or shouldn’t) provide their customer advisory board (CAB) members the presentations from their virtual or in-person (remember those?) meetings. While our standard response is to encourage host companies to...
by Rob Jensen | Nov 18, 2020 | Blog, Customer Advisory Board Best Practices, Meeting Preparation, Virtual Meeting
With customer advisory board (CAB) meetings taking place virtually now and for the foreseeable future, CAB managers and executive sponsors should take steps to ensure these meetings deliver utmost value to their members and their own host companies. While preparation,...
by Rob Jensen | May 20, 2020 | Blog, Customer Advisory Board Best Practices
As a customer advisory board (CAB) consultant, it’s always interesting to hear about how other CAB practitioners (who are not our clients) manage their programs. When doing so, it’s a reminder that there are indeed many ways to run a CAB, and every company needs to...
by Rob Jensen | Jan 29, 2020 | Blog, Customer Advisory Board Best Practices, Post-Meeting Follow Up
Of all the recommended post-customer advisory board (CAB) meeting deliverables (meeting report, ongoing engagement plan and action tracker), we not only get a lot of questions about how to prioritize, manage and track resulting meeting action items, we see companies...
by Rob Jensen | Jun 27, 2019 | Blog, Customer Advisory Board Best Practices, Meeting Preparation
Ignite is often asked about providing gifts to members for their customer advisory board (CABs) participation. On the one hand, it’s a nice idea and a way to thank members for their commitment to providing guidance to your company. On the other, it’s certainly not...
by Rob Jensen | Nov 20, 2018 | Blog, Customer Advisory Board Best Practices, Facilitation
During a recent Ignite webinar, our experts described techniques to effectively facilitate customer advisory board (CAB) meetings. After all, facilitation is constant challenge for companies who attempt to do this themselves with little experience or understanding of...